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曾园山教授团队关于电针及其联合成体干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤的综述文章 在《CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics》发表(图)
神经元中继器 曾园山教授 干细胞移植 神经递质 神经肽
在全横断脊髓损伤处移植干细胞源性神经网络组织(即神经元中继器, neuronal relay)可以起到"手拉手"接驳两侧脊髓断端传递上下行神经信息的作用,这是有效修复严重脊髓损伤的策略之一。联用神经调控技术—电针刺激则有助于调控脊髓损伤处再生的神经纤维与干细胞源性神经元中继器建立功能性连接,实现受损伤脊髓的神经环路重构和瘫痪肢体运动功能修复。
2019年6月20日,科睿唯安发布2018年度《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analysis),Neuroscience Bulletin(《神经科学通报》)的影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)继2017年度首次突破3后,时隔一年再创新高,达到4.246!首次突破4,在SCI神经科学类267种期刊中从2017年度第122位大幅...

我校生命科学学院、医药生物技术国家重点实验室和脑科学研究院朱景宁教授、王建军教授团队近期在前庭代偿(vestibular compensation)的神经机制研究中取得重要进展,研究成果以“Histamine H1 receptor contributes to vestibular compensation”为题于2019年1月16日在美国神经科学学会会刊、NI指数刊物Journal of Ne...

CB1受体是造成大麻中毒的根本原因。然而,它似乎也作为一种“传感器”,使得神经元能够测量和控制大脑中某些免疫细胞的活动。波恩大学最近的一项研究至少指出了这个方向。如果传感器发生故障,可能会导致慢性炎症 - 可能是危险恶性循环的开始。该结果发表在《Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience》杂志上。
2018年第四届国际神经科学数学会议(The 4th International Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience)
2018年 第四届 国际神经科学数学 会议
The 4th International Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience (ICMNS) will be held at the Congress Center in Juan-les-Pins, on the French Riviera. The goal of this event is to provide an interdiscipli...

NSF issues awards to advance a national research infrastructure for neuroscience(图)
NSF issues awards national research infrastructure for neuroscience
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has made 17 Next Generation Networks for Neuroscience (NeuroNex) awards to aid the research community as it pursues one of its grandest challenges: understanding ...
日本神经科学学会第40次年会(The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society)
日本神经科学学会 第40次 年会
Neuroscience 2017, the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, will be held at Makuhari Messe over a three-day period from July 20 (Thursday) to 22 (Saturday), 2017. In addition, specia...
We are very pleased to hold the second year of Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience and Technology(FINT). The focus of this year’s international meeting is Auditory Neuroscience and is schedule...

2015年6月29日,北京大学心理学系和麦戈文脑科学研究所的张航研究员与美国纽约大学的合作者Nathaniel D. Daw和Laurence T. Maloney在Nature Neuroscience杂志在线发表题为“Human representation of visuo-motor uncertainty as mixtures of orthogonal basis distribut...

中国科学院动物研究所王强研究组揭示染色质重塑蛋白BPTF调控神经外胚层后部化的研究成果在Journal of Neuroscience发表(图)
中国科学院动物研究所 王强研究组 染色质重塑蛋白BPTF调控神经外 胚层后部化 Journal of Neuroscience
在脊椎动物中,中枢神经系统的早期发育分为两个阶段:首先,由Chordin、 Noggin和Follistatin等BMP的拮抗因子在背部诱导产生前部神经组织;接着,诱导产生的前部神经组织被梯度分布的Wnt、FGF、RA等后部化因子转化为后部神经组织,最终产生中脑、后脑以及脊髓。
When the educational neuroscience meets the Australian curriculum : a strategic approach to teaching and learning
Australian curriculum educational neuroscience
The rhetoric of the need to move from an industrial model of education to a post-industrial model is familiar. With this in mind, the mandate to enact this transition is evident in the Australian Curr...
From brain research to design for learning : connecting neuroscience to educational practice
educational practice learning
Many people who care deeply about the improvement of education believe that research ought to be able to provide some of the intellectual resources needed by practitioners and policy makers. Many peop...
High ability learning and brain processes : how neuroscience can help us understand how gifted and talented students learn and the implications for teaching
brain processes neuroscience
Gifted and talented learners understand, think and know in ways that differ qualitatively from how regular learners perform these activities. Recent research that has examined the neuropsychological p...
Challenges and opportunities for neuroscience : how to explain the connection between socio-cultural practices and cognition?
neuroscience ocio-cultural practices cognition
Large-scale international comparative studies of teaching and learning such as the TIMSS 1999 Video Study (Hiebert et al., 2003) and the Learner’s Perspective Study (Clarke, Keitel & Shimizu, 2006) of...