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近日,北京农学院动物科学技术学院蒋林树教授团队的最新研究成果《Integrated multi-omics analysis reveals the positive leverage of citrus flavonoids on hindgut microbiota and host homeostasis by modulating sphingolipid metabolism in mi...

母猪繁殖 维生素营养 辅酶Q10
近日,西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院畜禽健康高效养殖团队在母猪维生素营养研究领域取得重要进展,成果以“Effects of dietary coenzyme Q10 supplementation during gestation on the embryonic survival and reproductive performance of high-parity sows”为题,发表在动物科...

海南大学动物科技学院 巴西圣保罗大学 Nussio Evandro 授课 热带反刍动物饲养和繁育 动物营养
Study provides detailed glimpse of predators’ effects on complex,subtidal food web
glimpse of predators complex subtidal food web
Research using time-lapse photography in the Galapagos Marine Reserve suggests the presence of a key multilevel “trophic cascade” involving top- and mid-level predators as well as urchins and algae.Th...
How do you find your food? Most animal species, whether they rummage through a refrigerator or stalk prey in the wild, obtain nutrients by consuming living organisms. Plants, for the most part, adopt ...
Boosting nutrients gives a leg up to invasive species
Boosting nutrients leg up invasive species
Species invasions come at a high cost. In the United States, the annual cost to the economy tops $100 billion a year and invasive plant infestations affect 100 million acres. While it’s tempting to fo...
University of Queensland (UQ) research into improving livestock feed has received a boost from two Australian government-funded industry engagement schemes.
动物营养生理 禽类生长调控 汉诺威兽医学院
2006年3月17日,中国农业科学院章力建副院长在中国农业科学院外宾接待室会见了来访的加拿大农业部国际合作局局长Johanne Boisvert等一行5人。双方就成立中加国际合作办公室等问题同意进一步加强交流与合作。并就奶牛营养等动物科学领域的合作研究与中国农业科学院科学家进行了磋商。