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Plant Diversity同期发表中国科学院昆明植物研究所李德铢团队三篇竹类植物研究论文和专家评述(图)
Plant Diversity 中国科学院 昆明植物所 李德铢 竹类植物 系统发育

最近,《Plant Diversity》依据Web of Science数据对2017年度发表的50篇论文进行了被引用次数统计,五篇论文获评2017年度被高引论文。其中,被引用次数排第一位的是Robert Andrew Spicer教授撰写的“Tibet, the Himalaya, Asian monsoons and biodiversity-In what ways are they rel...

最近中国科学院昆明植物研究所所办期刊Plant Diversity被中国学术文献国际评价研究中心和清华大学图书馆《中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社有限公司》评为“2019中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊”。《中国学术期刊国际引证年报》(2019版)根据期刊国际影响力指数(CI)对我国学术期刊进行国际影响力指数分析并排序完成。评价根据国际影响力指数高低,将TOP学术期刊分为两档,CI值前TOP5%为“中国...
Plant Diversity被PMC收录
Plant Diversity PMC收录
Plant Diversity是中国科学院昆明植物研究所和中国植物学会共同主办的英文期刊。Plant Diversity继被 BOSIS, DOAJ和Scopus 收录后,在2018年9月又被 PubMed Central (PMC) 收录。 Plant Diversity被PMC收录是国际学术界对于该期刊的认可,也意味着该期刊的权威性和国际性得到了进一步提升。据悉,PMC 是美国国立卫生研究院提...

由中国科学院昆明植物研究所和中国植物学会共同主办的英文期刊Plant Diversity,于2016年2月底正式出版。其网络版(http://journal.kib.ac.cn/EN/volumn/current.shtml#muci)、微信版同时上线,标志着这本有着38年历史的期刊以一种崭新的国际化期刊的形式呈现在广大读者面前。
Consumer preference for seeds and seedlings of rare species impacts tree diversity at multiple scales
Plant–herbivore interactions Plant diversity
Positive density-dependent seed and seedling
predation, where herbivores selectively eat seeds or seedlings of common species, is thought to play a major role in
creating and maintaining plant commu...
Diversity of Middle Eocene Coralline Red Algae from the Prang Limestone (Shella Formation) of Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya, NE Himalaya, India with special emphasis on palaeoenvironment
diversity Coralline algae taxonomy Middle Eocene Shella Formation Meghalaya NE Himalaya, India
Palaeocene-Eocene carbonates of shallow marine sequence belonging to Shella Formation of Jaintia Group are well developed in the south of the Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya and represent an excellent outcro...
Comparing the efficiency of sampling strategies to establish a representative in the phenotypic-based genetic diversity core collection of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)
core collection genetic diversity germplasm collection orchardgrass phenotypic variation representativeness sampling strategies
Establishing a core collection that represents the genetic diversity of the entire collection with a minimum loss of its original diversity and minimal redundancies is an important problem for gene ba...
Genetic diversity in portuguese native Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera and ssp. sylvestris
domestication centre genetic structure Portuguese vinifera and sylvestris subspecies vine
To assess the different origins of Portuguese grapevine varieties, we used six nuclear and four chloroplastidal microsatellites as molecular markers, in order to compare the genetic structure of nativ...
Genetic diversity of selected medicinal plants in protected landscape areas in the Czech Republic
active substances content medicinal plants protected landscape area
Agrimonia eupatoria, Betonica officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Plantago media, Salvia pratensis and S. verticillata were selected as subjects for a research project studying the genetic diversity of...
Diversity of endophytic fungi from various Aegean and Mediterranean orchids (saleps)
Aegean and Mediterranean orchids orchid endophytes Rhizoctonia-like fungi Fusarium Papulaspora
The diversity and host specificity of endophytic and Rhizoctonia-like fungi were investigated in orchids from the Aegean and Mediterranean regions. Endophytic fungi from various Aegean and Mediterrane...
The diversity and ecology of epiphytic lichens in “Evolution Canyon” II, Lower Nahal Keziv, Upper Western Galilee, Israel
Epiphytic lichens species diversity ecology, biogeography reproductive strategy canonical correspondence analysis
Different populations of epiphytic lichens were studied in a microsite in Lower Nahal Keziv, Western Upper Galilee, Israel, which is designated as an "Evolution Canyon" (EC) II. In all, 24 lichen spec...
Biological Diversity,Land Degradation and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
Diversity Sustainable biological
The l998 Conference Of Parties to the Convention on Biological Dirersity asked naional govermments to demonstrate the importance Of biological diversity in supporting mnd communities. This paper intro...
Floristic Diversity, Conservation Status and Economic Value of Miniature Sacred Groves in Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, Southern Peninsular India
Medicinal plant diversity religious beliefs sacred grove Tamil Nadu vegetation profile
The plant diversity of southern peninsular India has recently been reduced to a great extent due to anthropogenic disturbance and environmental degradation. Disturbance was the major factor responsibl...